Bespoke Creative Project Development
Extensive and diverse experience of developing innovative projects and programmes for a range of organisations, clients and sectors.

For organisations looking for a unique approach to reaching new audiences, Natasha Sackey uses both her therapeutic & creative knowledge of working with groups to deliver projects, programmes and public events that engage participants in innovative ways.
Our aim is to create opportunities for learning and development that encourage access and participation for all. Our projects help bring your venue to life and access new audiences, that can open up your venue to the whole community.
Natasha works closely with institutions and companies to design and deliver programmes that empowers their clients by increasing access to participation with new sensorial ways of learning. Natasha delivers programmes for the Royal Historic Palace’s – Sensory Places programme. The programme is specifically design for clients with dementia by using sensory techniques to experience the stories of the palace.
Natasha has researched, formulated and piloted OCN and Arts Award accredited programmes, as well as consulted on new creative, therapeutic and educational programmes.
It was a joy to see the group, participants and support workers, love the palace.
Rachel Crossley
Learning & Participation, Historical Royal Palaces